Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Question 1

→ The “littleuns” depend on the older children for protection from the “beastie.”
→ The “beastie” is a mythical creature conjured up by the “littleuns.”
- This conveys their naivety.
The older children lead and protect the younger children.
The older children abuse their power at times.
- Ralph, for example, uses the “beastie” to get the “littleuns” to follow orders or else the “beastie” will get them, and Roger constantly picks on them as well.
- Could the “littleuns” be a symbol for commoners or the French during World War II?
The older children provide food and shelter for the others.
- Jack’s hunting, Simon’s aid in gathering fruit, and Ralph’s building of huts are examples.
The younger children play games, despite the gravity of their situation.
Following his first successful hunt, Jack feels empowered and begins to abuse his power.
- This could set the wrong example.